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  • Sports Day

  • Dragon Towers, Book 1
  • De : Pip Bird
  • Durée : 4 h et 16 min

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Sports Day

De : Pip Bird
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    Join Theo on an adventure at Dragon Towers – the school where everyone has their own dragon best friend!

    A hilarious series from the author of the Naughtiest Unicorn – full of fun and adventure, and starring a dragon with a magical bum. Perfect for listeners aged 6 and up.

    At Dragon Towers every child is paired with their very own dragon best friend, and every dragon has their own special magic power, from fire-breathing to going invisible and even making slime.

    Theo's dragon Wanda is a bit different to the other dragons – she’s more friendly than fearsome, she gets distracted by her tail when flying, and when Theo first met her she didn’t seem to have any powers at all. But Wanda is Theo’s best friend, things are NEVER boring when she’s around – and in fact she has the rarest power of all… a magical bum.

    In this new adventure, it’s Sports Day at Dragon Towers, where the students and their dragons battle it out to win the Fireball Cup – there’s jousting, epic flying challenges, giant dragon egg and spoon races, fearleading (cheerleading mixed with fire-breathing) – and the one everyone’s most excited about: the dragon football tournament. Theo and his dragon best friend Wanda are having an awesome time trying every sport, even if they keep coming last, break all the giant eggs and set fire to their own sack in the sack race.

    Super-sporty Jasmeet is determined to lead Dragon Towers to victory against rival school Flaming Heights, who have won the Fireball Cup for 199 years in a row, so she drops Wanda from the dragon football team. Theo and Wanda get ready to cheer their teammates on from the sidelines – but when they unexpectedly find themselves a dragon down, will Wanda and her magic bum finally get the chance to shine?

    Take to the skies in this hilarious series, which celebrates fun, friendship and being yourself – perfect for fans of the Naughtiest Unicorn, Pamela Butchart and the Worst Witch.

    ©2025 Pip Bird (P)2025 HarperCollins Publishers
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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