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Couverture de Spoilt Creatures

Spoilt Creatures

De : Amy Twigg
Lu par : Sarah Lambie
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    A dark, riveting literary debut about cults, transgression and female rage, for fans of YELLOWJACKETS, Emma Cline's THE GIRLS and Lara Williams' SUPPER CLUB

    32-year-old Iris is adrift: newly single, living at home with her mother and working a dead-end job. Her life changes when she meets the mysterious and beguiling Hazel, who lives at a women's commune on a remote farm hidden in the Kent Downs. At the farm, the women can be loud and dirty, live and eat abundantly, under the leadership of the gargantuan Blythe.

    Drawn to Hazel and the possibility of a new start away from a world of men who have only let her down, Iris throws herself into this alternative way of life, seizing on new experiences and hidden desires. But even among the women, she witnesses power struggles, cruelty and transgressions that threaten their precarious existence. When a group of men arrive on the farm, the commune's existence is thrown into question, culminating in an act of devastating violence.

    ©2024 Amy Twigg (P)2024 Headline Publishing Group Ltd


    A simmering debut, heady with the possibilities of language and the righteousness of female rage (Kiran Millwood Hargrave, author of 'The Mercies')
    Lush and dreamlike - a sweltering novel, where the sunlight pulses with nightmarish dread (Colin Walsh, author of 'Kala')
    A modern-day Dionysian cult of women in the woods - haunting, exhilarating and full of female rage (Jennifer Saint, author of 'Ariadne')
    This lusciously verdant novel is about female identity and obsession, desire and autonomy. It asks important questions about what we owe, and to who. It is rich in grit and dirt, in sensuality and oblivion, working towards a complicated and devastating end (Lara Williams, author of Supper Club)
    Emma Cline's The Girls meets Lord of the Flies, Spoilt Creatures is compelling, cultish and utterly feral. I'm drinking the Amy Twigg Kool-Aid, and it tastes like blood and rotten summer berries. A firecracker of a debut!" (Alice Slater, author of 'Death of a Bookseller')
    A sun-drenched, blood-soaked fever dream of a novel. Amy Twigg's prose is as exact as her setting and characters are wild, and she unflinchingly portrays female rage in its full, terrible glory (Erin Kelly, author of The Skeleton Key)
    A powerful, angry, dark and compelling feminist debut novel. It pulls you in to the visceral world of the women in the commune and it shocks and moves you. Beautifully written (Georgina Moore, author of 'The Garnett Girls')
    An intimate and intense tale of how a safe haven can become a dangerous place, told with much insight and humanity (Ewan Morrison, author of 'Nina X')
    Earthy and visceral, Spoilt Creatures is a depiction of female physicality unlike any I've read before (Ben Tufnell, author of 'The North Shore')
    This is a book that sinks its claws in and doesn't let go. Filled with atmosphere and incredible prose, it's compulsive reading right up until its terrible, inevitable end (Jennie Godfrey, author of 'The List of Suspicious Things')

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