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Spiritual Compass

De : Sue E. Hannibal
Lu par : Susan E. Hannibal
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This body/mind/spirit audiobook will resonate deeply if you’ve been chasing healing for years and haven’t found it in medications and/or therapy. Like a tuning fork, it rings true for survivors of childhood trauma, panic, phobias, combat stress, rejection, abandonment, and a host of other difficult-to-treat issues with roots hidden in subconscious, womb or birth trauma, or other dimensions of the soul. Spiritual Compass will enrich your life and open your mind. It begins with an autobiographical account of the author’s own painful journey through the “Dark Night of the Soul,” a spiritual crisis that listeners whose lives have been upended by a spiritual calling may recognize. Thirty-eight channeled essays bracketed by practical wisdom and practical strategies from the author’s nearly two decades of private practice convey unvarnished universal truths with a capital “T.” 

This book resonates deeply with both the spiritual seeker called to a path of service and in need of guidance as well as those who’ve been chasing healing, sometimes for years, but have not found it through conventional psychiatry or psychotherapy. It provides possible answers to the questions “ Why am I here?” and “ Why is this happening to me?” It also reveals: 

  • How to discover hidden roots of panic attacks, phobias and emotional patterns
  • Why everyone has access to intuitive guidance and how to act on it
  • How to read energy, your own and others, through metaphor language 

Part II takes you into the healing room to witness cases of food allergies and hoarding rooted in past-lives, eight years of panic attacks from a traumatic birth, a case of multiple personality disorder, and 27 years of phantom limb pain in an amputee that released in one session. 

©2015 Susan E. Hannibal (P)2018 Susan E. Hannibal
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