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  • Spirit in Session

  • Working with Your Client’s Spirituality (and Your Own) in Psychotherapy (Spirituality and Mental Health)
  • De : Russell Siler Jones
  • Lu par : Kevin McIldoon
  • Durée : 6 h et 41 min

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Spirit in Session

De : Russell Siler Jones
Lu par : Kevin McIldoon
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    Spirituality is an important part of many clients’ lives. It can be a resource for stabilization, healing, and growth. It can also be the cause of struggle and even harm. More and more therapists - those who consider themselves spiritual and those who do not - recognize the value of addressing spirituality in therapy and increasing their skill for engaging it ethically and effectively. 

    In this immensely practical book, Russell Siler Jones helps therapists feel more competent and confident about having spiritual conversations with clients. With a refreshing, down-to-earth style, he describes how to recognize the diverse explicit and implicit ways spirituality can appear in psychotherapy, how to assess the impact spirituality is having on clients, how to make interventions to maximize its healthy impact and lessen its unhealthy impact, and how therapists can draw upon their own spirituality in ethical and skillful ways. 

    Spirit in Session is a pragmatic guide that therapists will turn to again and again as they engage their clients in one of the most meaningful and consequential dimensions of human experience.

    The book is published by The Kent State University Press. The audiobook is published by University Press Audiobooks. 

    “A real gem! This book will be savored by newcomers and seasoned mental health providers alike....” (Kenneth I. Pargament, PhD, professor of psychology, Bowling Green State University)

    “I loved reading Russell Jones’ wonderful book.” (P. Scott Richards, PhD, past president of APA’s Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality) 

    “This beautifully written book...offers practical advice to therapists on virtually every aspect of bringing spiritual discussions into their offices.” (Richard C. Schwartz, PhD, founding developer of the Internal Family Systems model of psychotherapy)

    ©2019 Russell Siler Jones (P)2019 Redwood Audiobooks

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