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  • Spellbound

  • My Life as a Dyslexic Wordsmith
  • De : Phil Hanley
  • Durée : 7 h et 18 min

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De : Phil Hanley
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    The A-list comedian tells the story of his unlikely path to success while struggling with severe dyslexia.

    When Phil Hanley entered first grade, he realized something that would forever set him apart from his peers: he couldn’t read. His teachers were ill-equipped to assist him and wrote him off as a hopeless case. Phil slipped through the school's cracks, year by year falling farther and farther behind his friends, only passing to each next grade because of his mother’s interventions. Finally, he was diagnosed with dyslexia, a learning disability that would shape the rest of his life.

    In Spellbound, Phil Hanley shares his experience living with debilitating dyslexia. Unable to pursue college or a traditional job, Phil was thrust into a life to be defined by unconventional twists. He moved to Europe and became a successful runway model, a job that suitably kept him away from pens and paper. In search of fulfillment that couldn’t be found posing for a Docker’s ad, Phil retreated home to Vancouver where, desperate to manage the mental health issues connected to living with dyslexia, he turned to an all-consuming obsession with Transcendental Meditation. Finally, he found himself on a stage with a microphone, a spotlight, and five minutes of jokes. Stand-up became the first pursuit that the more Phil put into it, the more he got out, and something that he compellingly argues, saved his life. Spellbound is a story of humor and also of struggle and heartbreak, of constantly living in a world that sees things differently than you, and of triumph over adversity.

    Phil shows us that dyslexia can be a huge challenge, but having it does not spell certain condemnation (nor can he). Just the opposite: dyslexia has been more than a blessing in his life–it’s been his north star.

    ©2025 Phil Hanley (P)2025 Macmillan Audio

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