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Couverture de Spellbound


De : Mya Rusch
Lu par : Lawrence Fey
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    Everything has something to control it and everything has a weakness.

    Sundown Bowen is the god of light; his brother Shadow...well, pretty obvious, but god of shadows. Sunny would do anything to make sure his brother doesn't fall into the wrong hands, including death; he just doesn't know if he could survive torture. He spelled his brother so that no one is ever able to know who he is, except those that they trust—family.

    Something slipped and Sunny must now save his brother from the clutches of someone who wants to use him for destruction; a god of shadows can be used for either good or evil and with this threat, it wants evil, something Sunny cannot allow.

    With the help of some new friends and a saucy, sexy she-devil, Sunny sets out on a mission to rescue his brother and bring him home alive and safe.

    Not recommended for anyone under 14.

    ©2023 Mya Rusch (P)2023 Mya Rusch

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