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Couverture de Speedsuit Powers

Speedsuit Powers

De : Allen Paul Weaver III
Lu par : Kameron Lunon
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    Imagine moving from the suburbs to the inner city and colliding with a school bully who's bigger, stronger, and faster than you. What do you do? Curtis Powers is living this life! Ninth grade at a new school is hard enough without Treyshawn Jinkins making his days miserable. Curtis just wants to pursue his dreams. Now he's got to avoid his nemesis, too! 

    Some call Curtis a geek, but his smarts won't stop the inevitable. Treyshawn is coming fast, and Curtis must do something or face the worst beatdown of his life! With help from his family, his best friend Kelly, and others, he'll put a high tech plan into action that will do more than anyone thought possible. And in the process, he'll learn that when you can't outrun your problems, you have to face them head-on. 

    Speedsuit Powers has been hailed by listeners as an epic urban adventure story! It follows the lives of two boys who are navigating life without their fathers. Curtis Powers is the only ninth-grade student taking physics. 

    Treyshawn Jinkins is in ninth grade for the second time. They start out as enemies, but through a series of dramatic events, they end up becoming friends. There is also a high-tech sci-fi aspect to the story due to the fact that Curtis is a science prodigy (in the vein of Tony Stark, but without the money). 

    Curtis' initial invention to help him outrun Treyshawn opens the door to other possibilities as the story progresses. Speedsuit Powers: Book 1 covers the boys' four-year high school experience. It is the first book of the Speedsuit Powers Trilogy. 

    The other two books in the trilogy tell an even larger story which cover both boys' matriculation through college and beyond. The trilogy has recently expanded into a series with two new spin-off books being released with more being written.

    ©2009, 2014 Allen Paul Weaver III (P)2022 Allen Paul Weaver III

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