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Couverture de Special Agent Sophia

Special Agent Sophia

De : Mimi Barbour
Lu par : Meg Persichetti
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    Sophia’s mane of silver hair gives her the look of a mystical warrior, a female not of this world. Some colleagues defend her, others are jealous, most fear her, yet everyone respects her abilities. An ace sharpshooter, she’s called on for the most difficult cases. Her uncanny ability to remain cool under duress makes her the perfect person to rescue the twins of the frantic governor whose rejected husband intends to make her suffer. The fact that they are whisked to Greece also works in her favor, since she’s spent most of her summers in Rhodes visiting family and can show up there without anyone becoming suspicious.

    Problems begin when a cocky hero hits on her in the marketplace. Why her? Sam Reagan, owner, and CEO of The Reagan Group, promises his sister he’ll follow the FBI agent to the Greek island to ensure his niece and nephew are safely returned to her arms. Understanding his mission has to be covert because his former brother-in-law will recognize him, he uses an alias and follows the gorgeous agent who’s on the case. It’s understood he stays in the background, gives assistance if needed…until he sees her. Then all bets are off. There’s no way he’ll leave her to deal with dangerous traffickers after she saves a teenager hooker and whisks the poor girl away right under their noses.

    Digging deeper and working together, they discover the consortium of criminals is more organized than they first believed. And the man running the operation is the same lowlife loser who fathered the missing twins.

    ©2020 Mimi Barbour (P)2022 Mimi Barbour

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