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Couverture de Speak Kindly, You're Listening

Speak Kindly, You're Listening

De : Jessica Metcalfe
Lu par : Dr. Jessica Metcalfe
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    Have you ever thought of how you speak to yourself? The words you choose? The tone of voice? The pitch or volume? Just as you use different voices when speaking to a child, parent or lover, have you noticed you use a different voice when you speak to yourself?

    Dr. Jessica heard her voice say on repeat: “I’m not good enough,“ “I’m not worth it, “What is wrong with me?” and used them as a way to motivate herself, until those words broke her. That inner voice belittled her and shouted insults. She didn’t understand how that same voice took care of cancer patients and loved ones but chose to call her names.

    Being diagnosed with her own mental health concerns compelled Dr. Jessica to find the answer to the question, “Why do high-achieving women experience such a negative inner voice?” Speak Kindly, You’re Listening breaks down four key components: imposter syndrome, perfectionism, burnout and that dark inner voice while connecting the link between them all.

    Drawing on her own experience, working with cancer patients and being a past education director, she has helped numerous women transform their voice from inner gremlin to inner cheerleader. A must-listen for anyone wanting to explore the connection of their inner voice, confidence and self-intelligence.

    Because if you wouldn’t say it to a friend or loved one, why is it okay to say it to yourself?

    ©2022 Dr. Jessica E. Metcalfe (P)2024 Dr. Jessica E. Metcalfe

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