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Couverture de Spanish Vocabulary: Business and Tourism Digital Flashcards for Kindle

Spanish Vocabulary: Business and Tourism Digital Flashcards for Kindle

De : Innovative Spanish
Lu par : John E. Martinez
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    Welcome to Spanish Vocabulary.

    This audiobook contains 3 Parts:  

    • Part 1 - Spanish to English
    • Part 2 - English to Spanish
    • Part 3 - An alphabetically-sorted list of all the words learned in the book

    What you will learn:

    With this e-book, you will learn 150 useful Spanish words and phrases related to tourism and business. What is important to keep in mind in learning these phrases is that each and every Spanish-speaking country has its own nuisances of the language.  

    That being said, we have assembled the most common words and phrases that will be well understood in any Spanish-speaking country. These words will be viable tools to begin to use practical Spanish with accuracy in the everyday speaking world of tourism and in the professional business world for international commerce.

    ©2018 Innovative Spanish (P)2018 Innovative Spanish

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