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  • Spanish Language Lessons Bundle

  • Learn in Your Car Like Crazy with Useful Vocabulary, Phrases and Short Stories for Beginners - Learning Lessons Level 1 & 2
  • De : Paul Espinosa
  • Lu par : Victoria Villareal
  • Durée : 6 h et 22 min

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Spanish Language Lessons Bundle

De : Paul Espinosa
Lu par : Victoria Villareal
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    Learn to speak Spanish in the fast lane!

    This beginner-friendly Spanish Language Bundle is an engaging, fun way to learn to speak Spanish because you can practice while driving in your car. 

    Spanish Language Lessons Bundle: Learn in Your Car Like Crazy with Useful Vocabulary, Phrases and Short Stories for Beginners - Learning Lessons Level 1 & 2 by Paul Espinosa will guide you through the process of learning carefully selected beginning vocabulary and commonly used phrases. You will then build on that skill and learn to tell entertaining short stories. This program is designed to help you to gain a natural fluency in the Spanish language quickly.

    The bundle includes two books (level 1 and level 2) that are specially designed to help you become fluent with a carefully chosen selection of common vocabulary and popular phrases. Building on your fast-growing Spanish skills and understanding of essential phrases, you will then learn to tell short stories, helping to instill confidence and spur you on to increase your new language skills!

    Even if you have tried to learn Spanish in the past without success, this fantastic beginner-friendly, step-by-step program of carefully selected words and phrases will have you speaking Spanish like a pro in no time at all.

    If you want to jump-start learning the Spanish language, this is the bundle for you. Just click “Add to Cart” and get started today. 

    ©2019 Paul Espinosa (P)2019 Paul Espinosa

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