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  • Spain and the American Revolution

  • The History of the Spanish Empire’s Participation in the Revolutionary War
  • De : Charles River Editors
  • Lu par : KC Wayman
  • Durée : 1 h et 21 min

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Spain and the American Revolution

De : Charles River Editors
Lu par : KC Wayman
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    The American Revolution is replete with seminal moments that every American learns in school, from the “shot heard ‘round the world” to the Declaration of Independence, but the events that led up to the fighting at Lexington & Concord were borne out of 10 years of division between the British and their American colonies over everything from colonial representation in governments to taxation, the nature of searches, and the quartering of British regulars in private houses. From 1764-1775, a chain of events that included lightning rods like the Townshend Acts led to bloodshed in the form of the Boston Massacre, while the Boston Tea Party became a symbol of nonviolent protest.

    The political and military nature of the Revolutionary War was just as full of intrigue. While disorganized militias fought the Battles of Lexington & Concord, George Washington would lead the Continental Army in the field while men like Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia and Benjamin Franklin negotiated overseas in France. French forces would play a crucial role at the end of the war, and the Treaty of Paris would conclude the Revolution with one last great surprise.

    The British surrender at Yorktown marked the end of major operations during the conflict, and many are familiar with the major role the French forces played there, and the extent of France’s participation in general, but few know the extent of other countries’ participation in the American Revolution. Among the other European powers, few had as big an influence in the Americas as Spain, and the Spanish Empire, though declining by the late 18th century, still possessed colonial holdings in the region. In fact, through political intrigue and past military efforts, the Spanish would have a say across much of the future United States during this period, from Florida to New Orleans, and all of it impacted American history over the coming decades after the Revolutionary War ended.

    ©2024 Charles River Editors (P)2024 Charles River Editors
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Histoire

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