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Couverture de Southern Belle Insults

Southern Belle Insults

De : Keke Palmer, Jasmine Guillory
Lu par : Keke Palmer
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    2022 SOVAS Award Finalist for Audiobook Narration—Short Story Anthology—Best Voiceover and Author Performance—Best Voiceover

    BETRAYAL. PASSION. MAGIC. And…WIGS! From the sparkling imagination of gifted entertainer Keke Palmer and her iconic alter ego, Lady Miss Jacqueline, comes a hilarious modern fairy tale about a wilting violet, a clash of personalities, and a multitude of hair.


    Poor Janet and her fifty shades of beige. At least her inner voice, the sensational Lady Miss Jacqueline, is coming out in an outrageously funny short story about magic, courage, and—oh honey—the wigs!


    Hopelessly sad and lightly drab Janet takes a spin with Lady Miss Jacqueline in this hysterically funny short story of a magical wig that turns a wallflower into the flashiest bulb in the room. Does Lady Miss go too far? Always!


    According to Lady Miss Jacqueline, her dear friend Janet is killing it. But appearances deceive in this sharply funny short story about best-laid plans, dirty blondes, and living life in all caps.


    There’s a bold new Janet in town. Let Lady Miss Jacqueline spell it out for you: F-I-E-R-C-E.

    But there’s a lesson to be learned in this fabulously off-the-wall short story about life on the edge.


    Starry-eyed Janet is enchanted by her new wig, but Lady Miss knows her dear friend will soon be caught in a tangle of doubts in this whimsical short story about courage, self-worth, and confidence.

    ©2021 THAKIDZ LLC. (P)2021 Brilliance Publishing, Inc., all rights reserved.

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