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Couverture de South Toward Horn

South Toward Horn

De : Wes Dannreuther
Lu par : Dan Levy
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    A hazing incident at the shipyard leads Jimmy O’Connor to suspect that his boss might have been involved in his father’s death decades ago. When those suspicions are confirmed in the journal he left behind, Jimmy sets off to find out what really happened the night his father drowned, a journey that takes him from Horn Island all the way to Memphis and back. Along the way, Jimmy discovers the truth is messier than he could have ever expected and he must figure out how he’s going to deal with his boss when he returns to work—if he can survive until then. Set against alternating backdrops of the 1990s and 1970s Mississippi Gulf Coast, South Toward Horn is is a coming of age, mystery, and adventure story all wrapped in one.

    ©2023 Wes Dannreuther (P)2023 Wes Dannreuther


    "South Toward Horn is a captivating mystery that has it all: adventure, drama, and romance, set in and around Southern Mississippi. The reader is drawn into the story within a story that is filled with colorful, well-written characters and beautiful descriptions of the Gulf’s barrier islands. Dannreuther paints a vivid picture of a young man searching for the truth about his father, a truth that could set him free—or kill him. A must-read!“ (Jeannie Zokan, award-winning author of The Existence of Pity and Courage Without Grace)

    “Wes knows his way around a shipyard and this novel places you there with the smells, the sounds, and the blue-collar attitude. Set among the barrier islands of the National Seashore, South Toward Horn explores the political landscape between progress and conservation. Fans of Michael Farris Smith and similar voices of Coastal Mississippi will find this mystery a must-read.” (Nic Schuck, author of Panhandlers)

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