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  • Sound of Thunder

  • Heavy Thunderstorms, Lightning and Rainstorm Sounds for Deep Sleep, Relaxation, Meditation, and Reducing Stress
  • De : Premium Sound Production
  • Lu par : Dale Rich
  • Durée : 3 h et 35 min

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Sound of Thunder

De : Premium Sound Production
Lu par : Dale Rich
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    When I was a child, I had a dog I loved more than anything. She was a beautiful Collie that we rescued when she was four. She was the nicest dog there was, and she was very brave too.

    One day, she fiercely drove away a wild boar we came across during a forest walk. But for all her bravery, she had one weakness: the sound of thunder. I don’t know if something happened to her before she was with us, but she was terrified of thunder. So much so that she escaped twice, and we had to look for her the next day. We would usually find her lost and drenched, wandering along a nameless road. After that, we changed our approach. Every time a storm would rage, she would be allowed to stay inside for the night, and all the family would stay up to make her feel safe until the storm had calmed down. I still remember perfectly those nights when my sisters, parents, and I would share hot chocolate, holding our trembling dog against us and telling her comforting words. With time, she began to feel safer during storms, and she was barely trembling anymore. But, we all pretended not to notice it. This way, we could keep doing our stormy night family ritual.

    My dog is not there anymore. She’s on the other side of the storms now. But, the sound of thunder and rain is still one of my favorite in the world. Whether you want to meditate, study, relax, or fall asleep, it’s the perfect sound to feel calm, safe, and protected. Now download this audiobook, and enjoy the rumbling sounds of a stormy night.

    Note: The mandatory Audible credits at the end of the audiobook are played as softly as possible not to wake you up or disturb you.

    ©2022 PLMG LLC (P)2022 PLMG LLC

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