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Sound of Mind

De : Chase Moon
Lu par : Noah Venegas
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    This is a guide for anyone going into a mental asylum or institution for the first time, or if you have a delusional loved one, with a mental illness, this will help you relate to them better in understanding insanity. Now, join me, in the asylum, as together we go on a very odd journey of discovery in my first mental institution experience. Enter a strange world, before I was diagnosed with schizophrenia, as I compete against other game show contestants in a battle to win genetic traits for my family tree.

    This book offers a better understanding of mental illness and a real view of the realm of thought disorders. Sound of Mind - adventures in schizophrenia is a book I wrote about my mental illness, and the nature of my thoughts and delusions. It is my experience of being committed in a mental asylum before I was diagnosed with schizophrenia. I hope this may help you understand insanity a little better. I would like to show how far I fell, and since then, how successful my treatment has been and how important it is to never give up hope.

    ©2011 Jason Kurt Mintel (P)2024 Jason Kurt Mintel

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