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Couverture de Soulless Devil

Soulless Devil

De : Kylie Kent
Lu par : Maeve York, Christian Leatherman
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    This is book 3 in a four book series of standalone mafia romances. Romeo

    Romeo: fictional, someone who can fall in love with his whole heart, without a shred of doubt.

    The thing about fictional characters is just that; they’re not real.

    That kind of love doesn’t exist outside of the pages of books.

    At least, that’s what I thought…

    Until I saw her.

    And it was like getting shot, like taking a led bullet straight to the heart.

    It hurt, burned deep in my soul.

    She isn’t the Juliet to my Romeo. Because she doesn’t simply come from an opposing house.

    She comes from a completely different world.

    Hers is all sunshine and rainbows, where mine’s darkness, violence, and crime.


    One thing I’ve always been sure of is the difference between right and wrong.

    It’s how I’ve lived my life. The perfect member of society, following all the social norms.

    Never straying from that path or crossing any lines into the grey.

    So how can the events of one night shift my whole outlook on the world? Have me teetering on that ledge of villain versus hero?

    I knew tutoring the infamous mob boss’s son was only going to lead me to trouble. What I didn’t know was what Romeo Valentino would teach me instead.

    He’d show me that life isn’t meant to be a set of black and white rules. That, sometimes, good people do bad things for the right reasons.

    Romeo is a good person, as long as you don’t get on his bad side…

    Can two opposites really overcome the odds? Or is this love doomed to end in tragedy?

    ©2024 Kylie Kent (P)2024 Kylie Kent

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