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  • Soul Stuff

  • A Personal Journey with Spirit Work and Past Life Regression
  • De : Ayla Doan
  • Lu par : Lauren Henry
  • Durée : 4 h et 5 min

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Soul Stuff

De : Ayla Doan
Lu par : Lauren Henry
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    A powerful look beyond the veil and into the spiritual world.

    Are you interested in uncovering the secrets behind spirit releasement, past lives, and soul rescues? Do you need a detailed and enlightening introduction to becoming a spirit worker, told by someone who has seen it all first-hand? Then, keep reading.

    Ayla Doan has always been deeply fascinated with the spiritual world - and after years of experience with mediums and frequent contacts with the spirit world, she’s developed a profound awareness for the unseen secrets of both life and death. Now, inside this compelling book, she shares her experiences, showing you how she ventured onto this riveting path and began connecting with spirits. 

    Written in an honest, down-to-earth way that even beginners to spirit work can understand, Soul Stuff: A Healer’s Journey examines how you can tap into the hidden spiritual world through regression therapy.

    Here’s just a little of what you’ll find inside: 

    • Insights on the nature of souls and other entities 
    • How to work with human souls, animal souls, light and dark beings, and everything in between 
    • Personal stories of spirit releasement and past life regression
    • How to convert dark energies to light 
    • Spirit guides, helper entities, and the higher self 
    • And much more...

    With bonus scripts designed to help you cleanse and reintegrate your energy, Soul Stuff: A Healer’s Journey offers you profound and thought-provoking insights into essential spiritual regression concepts, so you can reap the benefits of understanding the spirit world and be more connected to your spiritual self and higher purpose.

    Scroll up and buy now to begin venturing into the spirit world today.

    ©2020 Hanh Morgan (P)2021 Hanh Morgan

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