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Soul Retrieval: Guiding Souls to the Light

De : Kevin Jeffers
Lu par : Dale Bayless
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Soul retrieval is a spiritual practice that involves helping an individual to reclaim and reintegrate lost or disowned parts of their soul or personal identity lost at death in preceding lives. This practice is often associated with shamanistic and traditional Eastern healing practices involving a variety of techniques such as prayer, meditation, visualization, and ceremonial or ritual work. When our consciousness transitions from physical reality to higher frequencies of Being, many of us move on to the next stage of our journey into the Light, processing and recovering from the experiences of life on Earth. However, some souls remain bound to the Earth Energy System, thinly separated from the living by death, and require assistance to move into the Light and reach higher frequencies of consciousness. This transition can be traumatic and confusing, especially for those who experienced a violent, drug-related, or unexpected death, or who died in infancy or early childhood. These souls become attached to the moment of physical cessation, unable to move fully into the Light. Others may refuse to move on due to their strong attachment to physical life or loved ones, becoming "locked" in the Afterlife Zone—a spiritual realm where they are energetically bound by the Earth Energy System and unable to move forward or return to Earth, trapped by indecision, regrets, or limited belief systems. The purpose of this book is to share my personal stories from my experiences while engaged in the process of soul retrieval. This book is not intended to educate the listener on how to perform retrievals, or modulate their experiences of life, but if it does inspire anyone to explore this spiritual service, I recommend working with an experienced trainer who will guide you with love and compassion in this often emotionally distressing work and help accelerate the learning process of who you are in your potential as a Being of Light.

©2024 Kevin Jeffers (P)2024 Kevin Jeffera
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