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Couverture de Sorrow, Tears and Blood

Sorrow, Tears and Blood

De : David Onamade
Lu par : Ash Caton
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    David’s audiobook is one of despair and hope; one that paints a picture of our society that is both dark and broken up by fleeting rays of light. From his plight on the streets in one of England’s richest regions, to the interactions of people he observes and encounters every day, to the impacts of Covid-19 and the changing seasons--this is poetry and prose at its most powerful. It is an audiobook that reveals the double-talk of homeless service provision--a society that consigns people as worthless without knowing their backgrounds, which assumes that homelessness is a choice rather than a predicament. It is impossible not to have listened to this audiobook and come away changed: to feel the biting need to make a difference and sense of injustice as to why so many individuals—people who could otherwise fulfil their potential, for the benefit of others as well as themselves—are thrown cruelly to the fringes.

    ©2021 Arkbound (P)2022 Arkbound

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