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Couverture de Soren


De : Grae Bryan
Lu par : Michael Ferraiuolo
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    Gabe Kingman has never been great with his emotions. His disastrous personal life is evidence enough of that. Returning to be a doctor in his small Colorado hometown was supposed to bring him closer to his family, not push them even further away. He’s been slowly working to repair the mistakes he’s made, but his efforts aren’t made any easier by the new existence of vampires in his world. Especially one pesky, annoyingly beautiful vampire in particular.

    Soren Iversen never meant to stay in Hyde Park this long. He hasn’t kept himself alive for centuries by letting himself be a sitting duck. But instead of moving on months ago, he’s been kicking his heels in the most boring town in the world, hoping for one stubborn, annoyingly compelling human to pay him even a bit of attention.

    When circumstances force the two of them together, Soren’s obsession and Gabe’s unwilling attraction are brought to a head. But Soren has been running for a reason, and the skeletons in his closet threaten to tear the couple apart before they can even begin.

    Soren is a heated fated-mates MM paranormal romance with an HEA and no cliff-hanger. It contains a stubborn, emotionally repressed ICU doctor and a bratty, slightly unhinged vampire not afraid to stalk a man to get what he wants. It also contains steamy scenes between two men and the moderate violence (and mentions of blood) that one might expect from a vampire romance. This book can be listened to as a stand-alone, but the series is best enjoyed in order.

    ©2022 Grae Bryan (P)2023 Grae Bryan

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