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Couverture de Song for the Dead

Song for the Dead

De : Karina Halle
Lu par : Jo Raylan
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    My name is Ada Palomino.

    By day, I'm studying my ass off at design school in Portland, Oregon. By night, I'm slaying demons and ghosts who have dared to slip through the Veil.

    Or at least, that's what I should be doing.

    The problem is Jay, who also happened to be my immortal guardian and now ex-boyfriend, was banished from being with me. And now my new trainer is a previously dead friend of mine that I helped bring back to life. With both of us nursing broken hearts, we embark on a road trip to New Orleans to help him win back his long-lost love.

    As if that's not tricky enough, we're also being hunted by a demon with a grudge, and I'm not sure if all the training in the world is going to help me. One thing's for sure, the more complicated our relationship gets, the scarier things become.

    Whoever said love is a battlefield never had to fight demons at the same time.

    Contains mature themes.

    ©2021 Karina Halle (P)2021 Tantor

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