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Couverture de Something to Believe In

Something to Believe In

De : Samantha Baca
Lu par : Jaime Carnucci
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    Have you ever met someone and immediately knew they were meant to be yours?

    If someone had asked me if I believed in love at first sight, I would have said no. But that was before I met Calli.

    It’s not just that she’s the new girl in town and everyone is curious about who she is. It’s so much more than that. SHE is so much more.

    Calli is a breath of fresh air, and I can’t help but notice how she lights up the room when she smiles.

    She’s so down to earth, and even though I make a complete ass out of myself every time I try to speak to her, she doesn’t seem to mind. Heck, she even says yes when I ask her out.

    Things are going great, and we’re truly connecting; because that’s what happens when you meet your soulmate. Until suddenly, they aren't.

    Like the moment I drop the L-word and she doesn’t say it back.

    Which is confusing because her actions say she loves me, even if she won't say it back.

    Something is holding her back and keeping her from moving forward with me. I want to show Calli I’m there for her and that no matter what comes our way, we’ve got it. But how do you take one step forward when the other person is taking two steps back?

    Content warning: Early onset dementia with a secondary character, main character is care taker.

    ©2023 Samantha Baca (P)2024 Samantha Baca

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