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Couverture de Something Big Has Been Here

Something Big Has Been Here

De : Jack Prelutsky
Lu par : Jack Prelutsky
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    The long-awaited companion to the best-selling The New Kid on the Block.

    "A wealth of funny new verse from a favorite poet. Prelutsky's comic muse is at its best here. Another winner." (Kirkus Reviews)

    "Prelutsky has done it again." (School Library Journal)

    Something big is right here!It is this book of wonderful, funny new poems by beloved children's poet Jack Prelutsky. If you've read or listened to The New Kid on the Block, you have some idea of the treat ahead. And if you haven't, all you have to do is start listening!

    Here are four vain and ancient tortoises, a rat of culture, Super Samson Simpson, a meat loaf that defies an ax, five flying hotdogs - and many, many more people, animals, and things that are destined to become part of the lives of everyone who loves to laugh.

    Say them, chant them, learn them by heart, or just listen to them - Jack Prelutsky's poems are incomparable.

    ©1984 Jack Prelutsky (P)2007 HarperCollins Publishers
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    "Fans of the earlier volumes will rejoice in finding more of the same....frivolous, rib-tickling verses." ( Publishers Weekly)

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