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  • Some Kind of Magic

  • A True Story of Love, Life, and Wanderlust
  • De : Sonya Moore
  • Lu par : Sonya Moore
  • Durée : 14 h et 9 min

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Some Kind of Magic

De : Sonya Moore
Lu par : Sonya Moore
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    It started with an epiphany and a desire to live life more fully. One fateful day in 2017, a thirty-something American woman—up until that point, a responsible, hard-working, tax-paying citizen—decided to leave her home and career and set off to explore the other side of the world. That choice led to a three-year journey laced with serendipity and unexpected twists of fate that would show her more than she ever could have imagined.

    Joyful and uninhibited, this soul-nourishing tale of love and adventure intertwined with discovery explores the mystery of life and human nature across cultures and continents, from the cloud-fringed mountains of Myanmar to the pristine beaches of southern France. Sometimes hilarious, occasionally shocking, always honest, this deliciously-told travel memoir entertains and captivates while examining synchronicity, choice and destiny, the roots of happiness, and multiple facets of love against a vivid backdrop of some of the world’s most beautiful and little-known places.

    ©2023 Sonya Moore (P)2024 Sonya Moore

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