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Couverture de Solving Llamageddon and the Alpacalypse

Solving Llamageddon and the Alpacalypse

De : Erin McCarthy, Kathy Love
Lu par : Lisa Cordileone
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    Missing: One 350lb llama. White, loves peppermint candies and answers to the name Jack Kerouac.

    When Sophie LaFleur left Hollywood and her acting career for the quaint, coastal town of Friendship Harbor, Maine, she expected ocean breezes, friendly neighbors and a relaxing way of life. What she didn’t expect was the theft of her beloved, pet llama—but then again, she never expected quite so much murder either. And L.A. was supposed to be dangerous.

    Fortunately, her llama is found alive and well—stolen by a competitive 4-H Club mom, who wants her daughter to win a blue ribbon in the local fair’s animal competitions. But Sophie soon discovers its a world with a dark underbelly, full of stolen farm animals, pay offs and even murder.

    And when she stumbles upon a body, the victim apparently killed in the pursuit of a coveted college scholarship, she realizes she is up to her neck in more than manure. She’s got a murderer on the loose.

    And they say acting is competitive.

    ©2021 Erin McCarthy and Kathy Love (P)2023 Bryant Street Publishing

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