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Couverture de Solo2Darwin


De : Amanda Harrison, Polly Vacher - foreword by
Lu par : Sasha Higgins
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    Whilst learning to fly, Amanda Harrison discovered a beautiful vintage Tiger Moth. After researching the amazing pioneers who flew this fragile aircraft, a spark was ignited, and Amanda dreamed of emulating their adventures. On May 11, 2019, she made that dream a reality, taking off from Biggin Hill with the aim of flying to Darwin, Australia in twenty days-just as her idol Amy Johnson had done in 1930.

    Solo2Darwin documents one woman's exhilarating journey across the world. Indeed, the launch of her biplane, 'Solo2Darwin', received extensive press coverage, including print features in The Times and The Telegraph and TV footage broadcasted on ITV and Channel 5 News respectively.

    Faced with adversity, navigating through torturous mountain ranges covered in cloud, across seas, dodging thunderstorms, and surviving engine failures, Amanda's route had plenty of highs, lows, and drama. Alongside this she also experienced the difficulties of solo-flying a biplane and having to navigate dangerous regions across the world. What makes Amanda's expedition even more remarkable is that this was all undertaken whilst recovering from cancer.

    So strap in and prepare to go on a journey of a lifetime. Twelve countries, 2,600 miles, forty-six flying hours, two engine failures, one airplane, one female pilot, all equals one amazing adventure!

    ©2024 Grub Street, Text copyright 2024 by Amanda Harrison (P)2024 Tantor

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