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Couverture de Solar Dragons Need Love, Too! The Catch-Up Omnibus, Books 1-6

Solar Dragons Need Love, Too! The Catch-Up Omnibus, Books 1-6

De : Virgil Knightley
Lu par : Alyssa Poon
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    For the first time, books 1-6 of the popular series Solar Dragons Need Love, Too! have been bundled together. Pick up the catch-up collection today and support the continuation of this hilarious series full of memorable characters and exciting action!

    Being one of the only humans in Meteoropolis is tough. Thank goodness I'm also fused with a Solar Dragon.

    Taken from my old life with little memory of what brought me here, I wake up in a high tech capsule. A wrinkly old elf tells me that my soul is incomplete and has been fused with that of a Solar Dragon to give me a second chance at life. Where? When? An urban metropolis filled with fantasy races, erected atop the back of a giant asteroid. Meteoropolis. And millions of years in the future, to boot.

    But that's not all. I've got super powers, too. To add to the excitement, I end up hosted by an anxious unicorn elf named Pinky Peach who is basically a professional gamer girl.

    Add to that a feisty flower sprite and a hissfolk beauty who end up forming a curious truce based around me and, well, life in this strange city seems pretty interesting.

    But it won't be all unicorns and flowers. Dr. Luna wants me to use my rare draconic powers for good... You know, like a superhero.

    Can I handle my host, my Splice Partner, my new friends, and my secret day job? Whatever happens, I'll definitely be advocating for myself. Solar Dragons need love, too, you know.

    ©2022 Virgil Knightley (P)2024 Royal Guard Publishing LLC

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