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Couverture de Soil


De : Matthew Evans
Lu par : Matthew Evans
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Les membres Amazon Prime bénéficient automatiquement de 2 livres audio offerts chez Audible.

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Bénéficiez automatiquement de 2 livres audio offerts.
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    Ces titres pourraient vous intéresser

    Couverture de Dirt to Soil
    Couverture de For the Love of Soil
    Couverture de The Book of Wilding
    Couverture de Soil Science for Gardeners
    Couverture de Land Healer
    Couverture de Colonialism
    Couverture de The Soil Will Save Us
    Couverture de Teaming with Microbes
    Couverture de Endless Forms
    Couverture de A Soil Owner's Manual
    Couverture de The Great Plant-Based Con
    Couverture de Hospicing Modernity
    Couverture de The Third Plate
    Couverture de Regeneration
    Couverture de Cooked
    Couverture de Drawdown


    Perfect for fans of Wilding by Isabella Tree.

    What we do to the soil, we do to ourselves.

    Soil is the unlikely story of our most maligned resource as swashbuckling hero. A saga of bombs, ice ages and civilisations falling. Of ancient hunger, modern sicknesses and gastronomic delight. It features poison gas, climate collapse and a mind-blowing explanation of how rain is formed.

    For too long, we've not only neglected the land beneath us, we've squandered and debased it, by over-clearing, over-grazing and over-ploughing. But if we want our food to nourish us and to ensure our planet's long-term health, we need to understand how soil works - how it's made, how it's lost and how it can be repaired.

    In this ode to the thin veneer of Earth that gifts us life, commentator and farmer Matthew Evans shows us that what we do in our backyards, on our farms and what we put on our dinner tables really matters, and can be a source of hope.

    Isn't it time we stopped treating the ground beneath our feet like dirt?

    ©2021 Matthew Evans (P)2021 W F Howes


    "A love letter to Mother Earth and entertaining must-read that goes to the heart of our survival." (Charles Massy, author of Call of the Reed Warbler)

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