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Couverture de Soft Thorns Vol. II

Soft Thorns Vol. II

De : Bridgett Devoue
Lu par : Bridgett Devoue
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    why does love become abusive? and when does pain become a lesson?

    Soft Thorns Vol. II is the continuation of author Bridgett Devoue’s debut poetry collection, Soft Thorns, and picks up on her journey of self-discovery and seeking answers to the questions all of our souls inevitably ask.

    Devoue is not known to shy away from the darkest corners of the human experience; in fact, she dives deep into those waters and allows the listener to explore the shared vulnerabilities that all of us face. Her poems touch on topics such as longing, lust, toxic love, self-destruction, confusing breakups, abuse, and overcoming it all through finding light in even the darkest of places.

    Devoue’s exploration into these topics is relatable to any human struggling to find peace in life’s turbulent waters. This book won’t give you a life boat, but it will show you how to swim. This is the book for the curious, the dreamers, and the struggler’s, those who carry an insatiable urge to grow and the knowledge that life offers more for the fearless explorers of the unknown; this book speaks to the aching soul that lives in all of us.

    ©2021 Bridgett Devoue (P)2021 Andrews McMeel Publishing

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