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  • Social Skills for Teens

  • The Empowering Handbook to Help Your Kids Make True Friends Even as an Introvert, Communicate What’s on Their Mind, Manage Anxiety & Have the Confidence to Socialize
  • De : Alice P.D. Hancock
  • Lu par : Pamela Santos
  • Durée : 3 h et 15 min

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Social Skills for Teens

De : Alice P.D. Hancock
Lu par : Pamela Santos
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    Become more social with this must-have guide — make friends and talk to anyone without being shy and awkward!

    Are you having a hard time making new friends simply because you don't know how to approach them?

    Have you tried talking to others but end up having an epic fail moment because you didn’t know how to keep the conversation going?

    Does your fear always prevent you from speaking even though you want to share something about your favorite topic?

    Don’t fret – you are not alone. Like you, millions of kids struggle with social skills every single day. As a result, despite having more ways to connect with others, about 4 in 10 teens feel more lonely than ever before, according to studies.

    While the jury is still out on how technology affects social skills, one thing is undeniable: being social is a crucial life skill for expressing what you mean and building relationships with others.

    After all, without strong social skills, you’d often get misunderstood, miss out on making great friends, and prevent others from realizing how awesome you truly are!

    Here is the good news: Communication skills are a learned skill that can be taught, practiced, and mastered. This book will explain everything you need to know to become more social, confident, and comfortable with practically anyone.

    This book is the social skills mentor you have been looking for – a reliable go-to guide on how to start a conversation with confidence and cultivate meaningful relationships.

    Even better, it will also help you understand yourself more. By figuring out the reasons behind your poor social skills and socially anxious nature, you will know how to make positive changes.

    Here is just a glimpse of what you will discover in this must-have manual:

    • The role of social skills and how you can use them to your advantage — understand why being social is the key to better interactions and stronger connections
    • Reasons why you are struggling — take a closer look at your situation and have a clearer view of why you are afraid to talk
    • How to improve your communication skills by talking and listening — master the art of conversations with practical exercises.
    • Effective ways to make friends and keep them — win them over with the first few words out of your mouth
    • The importance of collaboration and negotiation skills - how to develop teamwork with anyone
    • Must-learn problem-solving skills to help build resilience and cultivate critical thinking - so you can gracefully laugh in the face of any difficult confrontation
    • How to regulate your emotions — control your feelings before they control you
    • Essential tips for parents to help children improve their social skills (with exciting activities you can do on your own or with family)

    And so much more!

    As humans, we naturally crave interactions and connections the same way we require food. But beyond just being a basic need, social skills are key if you want to survive – and thrive – as an adult.

    Take this chance to prepare yourself for the future. Improve your social skills now and open doors to new friendships, great opportunities, and a happy life.

    Don’t let your fear of communicating stop you from enjoying the best years of your life.

    ©2023 Laurie Schultz (P)2024 Laurie Schultz

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