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Couverture de Social Skills for Teens

Social Skills for Teens

De : Cypress Kingsley, Brighton Callaway
Lu par : Cypress Kingsley
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    Attention: Tired of those awkward silences? Want to turn fleeting interactions into lasting friendships?

    Dive into Social Skills for Teens: From Awkward Moments to Authentic Connections. Crafted with heart and expertise, this book is your go-to guide to navigate the often tricky social terrains of teenage years.

    Just imagine.... No more sweaty palms or racing heartbeats during conversations. Envision yourself confidently starting a conversation, making a friend, or even handling disagreements with grace.

    Within this transformative audio, you'll discover:

    • Strategies to transform from shy to self-assured in various settings.
    • Essential dos and don’ts for digital communication in today's tech-savvy world.
    • The art of active listening and the power it holds in building genuine connections.
    • Techniques for turning awkward moments into opportunities for growth.
    • Navigating friendships, group dynamics, and understanding when to step back.
    • Building a support network that uplifts, supports, and grows with you.
    • Real-life scenarios and actionable exercises to hone these social muscles in real time.

    No more dreading social situations or feeling out of place. It's time for you to shine, to connect authentically, and to cherish the beautiful world of interpersonal relationships.

    If you're ready for a transformation, Social Skills for Teens: From Awkward Moments to Authentic Connections awaits. Say goodbye to the awkwardness, and embrace the world of authentic, heartfelt connections.

    ©2023 Dashiel Neimark (P)2023 Dashiel Neimark

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