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  • Social Anxiety for Beginners

  • How to Overcoming Shyness and Improve Your Social Confidence
  • De : Marvin N. Gosha
  • Lu par : Brandon Campbell
  • Durée : 3 h et 16 min

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Social Anxiety for Beginners

De : Marvin N. Gosha
Lu par : Brandon Campbell
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    Social anxiety is a prison that holds us back from being our best self. It’s time to break free.

    We’ve all been there at some point in our lives - washed by a feeling of uneasiness when talking to unfamiliar people. Even worse if it’s a crowd.

    The difference between those who suffer from chronic social anxiety and those who don’t is that the ones who don’t suffer learn to overcome that feeling. This allows them to socialize with confidence, no matter what the situation they’re in or who they’re talking to. It’s not magic, not luck, and definitely not always “in their genes”. They use a simple formula to help them awaken their inner awesomeness.

    You can use this formula every day to make all your social interactions blossom. In Social Anxiety for Beginners, you’ll learn:

    • What are the factors that contribute to your social anxiety so you can eliminate them
    • How to handle rejection and come out on top
    • How to stop worrying about what others think about you
    • How to develop conversational confidence so you never freeze up
    • What are the tactics to use in real-life situations we all face
    • How to improve your self-esteem

    There’s nothing wrong with wanting to take some time for yourself and be alone for a while. Issues only pop up when this need to be alone is due to overwhelming fear and shyness. Fear is a natural survival response, and shyness is a trait most introverts develop.

    If you’ve been searching for a way to cure your social anxiety, then the formula for that lies in this audiobook. It’s time to escape the suffering that social anxiety imposes on us so that we can flirt with our crush, talk our way to a promotion, and enjoy ourselves at parties.

    ©2020 Marvin N. Gosha (P)2020 Marvin N. Gosha

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