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  • So You’re Divorced, So What?

  • Your Guide to Living Your Best Life
  • De : Shaunna Lee
  • Lu par : Shaunna Lee
  • Durée : 3 h et 34 min

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So You’re Divorced, So What?

De : Shaunna Lee
Lu par : Shaunna Lee
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    A pragmatic and uplifting guide to recovering from a divorce and claiming the life you've always wanted.

    This is not a "how to get divorced" audiobook, but rather an inspirational take on how to truly thrive in your newly single life, regardless of how long it’s been since the ink dried on your divorce decree.

    This is the self-help audiobook for people who dislike self-help audiobooks, and those who love them. If you want to improve your life, but aren't sure how to get started, this is your guide to finding your way through despair to a life you'll love.

    Shaunna Lee has successfully recovered from divorce three times, and candidly shares her experience in navigating these wrenching events. All three times she's found strengths she didn't know she had, and has emerged as a clear-eyed and compassionate coach for women navigating their own life journey.

    By the end of this audiobook, you will discover who you are, who you are meant to be, and how to bridge the two. If you are ready to embrace your future and create your best life, this audiobook is for you.

    This audiobook is for you, if you are ready to...

    • Shift your feelings of loss and chaotic emotions into a sense of peace and well-being.
    • Transform your relationship with your ex into one that is easy and smooth.
    • Become the most supportive mother possible for your children.
    • Let go of your anger and shame once and for all.
    • Take action and create a life of your dreams.
    ©2020 Shaunna Lee (P)2022 Shaunna Lee

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