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  • So, You Want to Be a Doctoral Learner Huh? Are You Nuts?!

  • A Short Story of My Difficult Journey as an Online Doctoral Learner, and Some Tips to Help You Succeed
  • De : Dr. L. A. Davis
  • Lu par : LaTonya Harrison
  • Durée : 4 h et 25 min

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So, You Want to Be a Doctoral Learner Huh? Are You Nuts?!

De : Dr. L. A. Davis
Lu par : LaTonya Harrison
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    Dr. L.A. Davis earned her Doctorate of Education in Organizational Leadership with an Emphasis in Development in 2018. Her dissertation focused on the blind or visually impaired to understand how this population perceived employment, and how those perceptions motivated them to seek employment.

    In her first book, she writes about her experience as an online doctoral learner, the difficulties she faced, and how the words “Thank You” changed her journey. She included several tips and some websites she used to help her get through her journey. Though the book is targeted to Ed.D. and Ph.D. learners, many of the tips included in her book can be used for any level of higher education. This audiobook can be listened to by anyone who wants to understand the emotional turmoil of earning a Ph.D. or EdD. It can also be listened to by anyone who wants to have a good laugh from some funny moments written in this audiobook.

    ©2018 Dr. L.A. Davis (P)2020 Dr. L.A. Davis

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