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  • So Long, Normal: Audio Bible Studies

  • Living and Loving the Free Fall of Faith
  • De : Laura Story
  • Lu par : Laura Story
  • Durée : 1 h et 47 min

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So Long, Normal: Audio Bible Studies

De : Laura Story
Lu par : Laura Story
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    The Bible Study Source series provides a unique audio learning experience. Unlike a traditional audiobook's direct narration of a book's text, So Long, Normal includes high-quality, live audio sessions from the author that cover this important Bible-based topic. These sessions will reflect the ambiance of the unique recording locations, immersing the listener into the teaching.

    Untether from your sense of "normal" and fall into the abundant life God intends.

    Singer-songwriter and Bible teacher Laura Story gets what it's like to have plans altered and to surrender security when faced with circumstances beyond our control. But she also understands the blessing of having a Father who loves you enough to place you in the best possible scenario for good and growth.

    Building on Laura's previous two titles, When God Doesn't Fix It and I Give Up, So Long, Normal guides us to leave behind the idols of comfort, caution, and routine so we can live strong and well, even when life takes an unwelcome turn.

    Laura Story looks at the obstacles of attachment to comfort and leads the way to learning how to trust our unknown future to a faithful God.

    In her confessional, conversational style, Laura weaves her own personal stories with examples from Scripture of characters whose lives were upended by unexpected (and undesired) change. Leaving, loving, or losing our "normal" is not the end of the world but the beginning of a new adventure with God who will change us forever.

    Design for use with So Long, Normal Study Guide (sold separately).

    ©2021 Laura Story (P)2021 Thomas Nelson

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