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Couverture de Snowed in at the Cat Cafe

Snowed in at the Cat Cafe

De : Rachel Rowlands
Lu par : Lucy Brownhill
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    Welcome to the Cat Café! Falling in love with cats is mandatory. Falling in love with a human is optional...

    When Emmie's aunt offers her a job at Catpurrcino, it is the fresh start she needs after a rough year. Now, in the lead-up to Christmas, Emmie can't imagine anything more purr-fect than pouring hot chocolate for customers and taking care of the café's many feline residents.

    Needing an extra pair of hands for the holidays, Emmie's aunt hires Jared as a driver. Emmie is immediately struck by how tall and handsome he is, but there is something guarded about Jared, not to mention his allergy to cats. Emmie could never fall for someone who can't be around her furry friends ­- and she doesn't have much time to spare, anyway.

    Until an unexpected blizzard arrives on Christmas Eve.

    Trapped in the café with Jared and the cats, Emmie discovers Jared has been holding on to more than one secret - and is in desperate need of someone to help him lay his past to rest.

    What seems like the most disastrous Christmas might not be such a cat-astrophe after all. Will being snowed in finally open Jared up and let Emmie into his heart?

    ©2024 Rachel Rowlands (P)2024 Hodder & Stoughton Limited
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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