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  • Snow White's Mirror: An Edwardian Fairy Tale

  • Fairy-Tale Inheritance Series, Book 3
  • De : Shonna Slayton
  • Lu par : Catherine Gaffney
  • Durée : 10 h et 22 min

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Couverture de Snow White's Mirror: An Edwardian Fairy Tale

Snow White's Mirror: An Edwardian Fairy Tale

De : Shonna Slayton
Lu par : Catherine Gaffney
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    Old family secrets will not stay hidden...

    Billie's uncle is convinced the stories his sister tells about the Bergmann family history are true.

    A magic mirror.

    A family of dwarfs.

    And he'll do anything to command the mirror, even if it means using unsuspecting Billie.

    Socialite Billie likes a treasure hunt as much as the next girl, so she follows her uncle to an out-of-the-way mining town in Arizona where she meets an odd array of characters, including one rugged boy unlike any she's met before.

    More than anything, Billie hopes the magic mirror holds a cure to her mother's mysterious illness. But after making a critical mistake, Billie risks walking away from this baffling town with nothing. It's up to her to solve the problem that has been plaguing her family for centuries, or lose it all...including the boy who stole her heart.

    Set in an early 1900s mining boomtown, it's Edwardian era meets the Wild West.

    If you like fairy tales and YA romance, listen to Snow White's Mirror today.

    The Fairy-Tale Inheritance Series of books can be listened to in any order. Aside from the Cinderella books (listen to Dress first), they are all stand-alone novels. But if you'd like a listening order, you can follow this one:
    * Cinderella's Dress
    * Cinderella's Shoes
    * Cinderella's Legacy (novella)
    * Snow White's Mirror
    * Beauty's Rose
    * Sleeping Beauty's Spindle
    * The Little Mermaid's Voice

    ©2018 Shonna Slayton (P)2022 Shonna Slayton

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