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Couverture de Smile & Succeed for Teens: A Crash Course in Face-to-Face Communication

Smile & Succeed for Teens: A Crash Course in Face-to-Face Communication

De : Kirt Manecke
Lu par : Nate Metz, Devin Beasley
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    Quick, easy to listen to! Social skills and career skills

    Is your young adult prepared for the real world of personal communication and careers? Set your kids up to succeed with the lost art of social and career skills.

    "Smile & Succeed for Teens is a fantastic resource to help teens be successful at work." (Temple Grandin, one of Time magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world, author, Thinking in Pictures, The Autistic Brain)

    Are your kids out of touch with the real world? Are you nervous about their future and ability to communicate and/or find a fulfilling career? If so, then it's time for a crash course into their social and career skills that will lead to their success.

    Developed by a team of teens, parents, and educators, the methods in Manecke's book provide your kids with the social skills and confidence they will need throughout their lives, whether your teen or young adult is looking for work, holding down a job, making friends, or taking part in leadership or service positions. Perfect for special education, ADHD, Down syndrome, and autism.

    Presented in an entertaining style, with quips, tips, and easy-to-adopt strategies that will teach your young adult the critical elements of good communication that is easy and fun to listen to.

    In this book, your teen will discover how to:

    • Master social skills and career skills for success
    • Develop self-esteem and beat crippling social anxiety
    • Make new friends and speak with confidence
    • Become a superstar employee and create profitable, lifelong customers
    • Sail through the most difficult of interviews for scholarships, programs, and jobs
    • Improve their school programs and community through effective fundraising
    • Become an effective volunteer
    • Master customer service and sales skills to be an effective employee
    • Succeed at work, stand out to their employer, and much, much more!

    Buy the audiobook to set your teen on the path to success today!

    ©2014 Kirt Manecke (P)2018 Kirt Manecke

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