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Smart Pop Explains Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit Movies

De : The Editors of Smart Pop
Lu par : Julian Elfer
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    If you're feeling lost on the way to Mordor, let Smart Pop be your guide—literally, with this handy crash course into the cinematic world of Hobbits and Orcs and Elves (oh my!)

    It's easy for new fans to get overwhelmed by the sprawling mythology and complexity of the six films that make up Peter Jackson's epic trilogies. Unlike encyclopedias and guides that offer diehard J. R. R. Tolkien fans trivia, details, and deep dives into every on-screen moment, this first-of-its kind explainer is an easy, fun, and accessible introduction to the characters, plots, and interconnected stories that make up one of the greatest pop culture franchises of all time.

    Smart Pop has all of your burning questions covered:

    • Who is Frodo?
    • Why are there so many rings?
    • When did Gandalf the Grey have time to change outfits and become Gandalf the White?
    • Why does everyone love Gollum even though he's a bad guy?
    • And more!

    As the perfect and unauthorized resource to keep on hand when rewatching the films for the first—or tenth—time, or as a primer for the upcoming live action series, Smart Pop Explains Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit Movies to you like no one could!

    ©2022 Smart Pop Books (P)2022 Tantor

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