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Couverture de Small Town Girl

Small Town Girl

De : LaVyrle Spencer
Lu par : Emily Sutton-Smith
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    New York Times best-selling author LaVyrle Spencer, "famous for her heartrending slices of Americana," is at her best in this sweet, small-town romance about a country music star discovering the true meaning of love....

    Eighteen years ago, Tess McPhail left her tiny hometown of Wintergreen, Missouri, for the bright lights of Nashville and never looked back. Now, one of country music's biggest stars, "Mac" is a hardworking woman with little time for a personal life - until her sister insists she come home to help care for their widowed mother.

    The welcome Mac receives is less than warm, especially from her former next-door neighbor Kenny Kronek. With a teenage daughter to raise, the handsome divorce refuses to give Mac the time of day. But when Mac discovers that Kenny's daughter is a promising country talent, she begins mentoring the girl in the music of love - and opening her own hardened heart to a man who makes her soul sing....

    ©1997 LaVyrle Spencer (P)2021 Tantor

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