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Couverture de Small Town Empire

Small Town Empire

De : Mary E. McDonald
Lu par : Tim Tidball
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    While John Salmon was busy building a small town empire, he and his six very different children kept the town gossip alive. Private investigators look for one missing son. The town Sheriff, who happens to be John's brother, arrests another son for possible murder, and a mortified mistress flees town. The Salmons watch their business partnership crumble, but John's loyal wife remains by his side.

    As John navigates his family's trials, the country goes through some of American history's most tumultuous and progressive times. Born during the Civil War, John witnessed the emancipation of Blacks and America's entry into the Great War and the Pandemic of 1918, events that built strong and resilient people. These years were challenging but also resulted in growth for America. For John, they were a period when he had to be strong for his family while also dealing with significant changes in the world around him. Despite everything, he persevered and became tougher and more determined on the other side. In many ways, John's story represents America's journey during these years.

    ©2022 Mary E. McDonald (P)2022 Mary E. McDonald

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