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  • Small Gym, Big Results

  • Your Complete Guide to Starting a Fitness Business the Sixpax Way, Living the American Dream, and Changing Lives
  • De : Siavash Fashi
  • Lu par : Siavash Fashi
  • Durée : 6 h et 7 min

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Small Gym, Big Results

De : Siavash Fashi
Lu par : Siavash Fashi
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    Start your own gym, build a profitable business from scratch, and start changing lives.

    You have a passion for fitness and helping others achieve their goals. But you’re also stuck working for someone else or living paycheck to paycheck after each training session.

    Luckily, the combination of hard-won secrets to success and one man’s story of strength offers you a blueprint for building a thriving fitness business from scratch.

    Self-made millionaire and founder of SixPax Gym, Siavash Fashi faced poverty, cancer, and political turmoil before building the most successful small gym in America. In his home country of Iran, his passion for bodybuilding was illegal, and he knew—like Arnold himself—he needed to find his way to the beaches of Southern California.

    Woven in between stories of his determination, resilience, and grit, this step-by-step manual is packed with resources that will not only guide you to becoming a start-up gym owner, but will prove you can achieve anything. Small Gym, Big Results is an inspiring story for personal trainers or small-business owners looking to build a successful business, change their life, and make a difference in the world.

    Learn how to:

    • Start your own gym with minimal equipment and very little money.
    • Guide clients through short, intense training sessions that deliver fast and dramatic results (making you an expert in losing fat and gaining muscle).
    • Get all the clients you’ll ever need without paying for advertising.
    • Price and package your services to bring maximum, predictable revenue. Make membership with you a no brainer.
    • Price and package your services to bring maximum, predictable revenue

    Siavash Fashi shares the exact system he uses to create, run, and grow your gym. Whether you’re a personal trainer or just fantasizing of the gym life, this book is your ticket to turning your dreams into reality.

    ©2023 Siavash Fashi (P)2023 Siavash Fashi

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