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  • Small Business Revolution

  • How Owners and Entrepreneurs Can Succeed
  • De : Barry McCarthy
  • Lu par : Barry Abrams
  • Durée : 7 h et 58 min

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Small Business Revolution

De : Barry McCarthy
Lu par : Barry Abrams
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    In Small Business Revolution president and CEO of Deluxe Corp. Barry C. McCarthy delivers a stirring combination of uplifting narrative and small business instruction manual. Featuring inspiring stories from the company's 106-year history and anecdotes from its Emmy-nominated TV show Small Business Revolution, this book offers listeners the opportunity to learn how to grow and thrive in their business in any environment, from a booming economy to a post-pandemic marketplace.

    Whether you're just starting to plan your new business or you are a seasoned veteran in the small business trenches, you'll discover a wealth of information to help you structure your business to reach customers, find talent, understand finances, and so much more. You'll find guidance on: how to get your costs in line when your expenses have changed; mastering new tools to manage payments and payroll, including contactless and remote payments; maintaining relationships with your existing customers while reaching out to new ones; how to manage cash; how to retain employees through lean times; and more. Perfect for the millions of individuals who plan to start or run a small business during one of the most challenging times in recent memory, Small Business Revolution is an indispensable guide to helping your enterprise survive and succeed during unprecedented challenges.

    ©2021 Deluxe Corporation (P)2022 Ascent Audio

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