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Couverture de Slow Brewing Tea

Slow Brewing Tea

De : Randy Loubier
Lu par : Robert Chapman
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    Isaiah set off on a 10 day motorcycle adventure in northern, rural Japan. His quest, at the age of 20, was to photograph the quiet mysterious culture, meet a Japanese woman, and find The Tao (the way). He took stunning photographs, fell deeply in love with an extraordinary Japanese woman, and found an old man willing to teach him the way, the truth, and the narrow gate. Over the next 40 years Isaiah’s life tumbles through lessons of pain and redemption, loss, and victory in search of a path of unconditional love and faith.

    Be transformed by a journey into traditional Japan, a mystical land of tea ceremonies, Japanese gardens, rich culture, and unexpected spiritual revelations.

    Slow Brewing Tea is an epic spiritual adventure and a touching love story that will compel you to look deeper at your relationships with your God, your spouse, and the path beneath your feet.

    For 400 years, the Oda clan kept a secret. In 1593, Oda Nobumasa, the son of infamous Oda Nobunaga, converted to Christianity and to avoid persecution was sent away to the remote mountains of northern Honshu to live as a hermit. For the remainder of his life he studied the mysteries of Jesus and came to a shocking conclusion: Jesus’ teachings are a perfect fit into Japan’s traditions of the Samurai, Wa, the tea ceremony, gardens, and nearly every aspect of Japanese culture. Obedient to a dream from God, Oda Nobumasa hid his discoveries in his tea room scrolls, to remain a family secret, until...

    Join Isaiah on this quest; finish, and you will see life, love, and spirituality in a radically new way.

    ©2020 Randy Loubier (P)2021 Randy Loubier

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