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Couverture de Sleeping with a Stranger

Sleeping with a Stranger

De : Jessica Zimmerman
Lu par : Jessica Zimmerman
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    What happens when the strong, ambitious man you married fades into a stranger with an illness no doctor can diagnose?

    When Jessica Zimmerman’s husband Brian contracted a mysterious illness that left him 60 pounds underweight and a prisoner to their master bathroom, she had no idea the journey of self-discovery on which they were both about to embark.

    As Jessica and Brian worked to solve the riddle of his illness, they also had a harder question to answer: Was their marriage even worth saving?

    Sleeping with a Stranger is a searing, honest, and hilarious memoir about learning how to love even in the darkest of moments and how to find yourself when the compass is lost.

    As Jessica’s business takes off, and the demands of being the sole provider increase, she begins to discover who she was always meant to be, even if that goes against the Southern culture in which she was raised.

    Bucking up against old ideas and even older Southern traditions, Jessica’s story is also a rallying cry for women coming to terms with their trauma in order to find healing.

    Sleeping with a Stranger is a testament to the power of healing - how we can heal our bodies, our spirits, our relationships with others, and ultimately, ourselves. As Brian finally recovers, and Jessica recognizes that she can never go back to the old script that so many women follow, they begin to negotiate a new marriage and learn the greatest lesson of all: We can reclaim our true selves at any time.

    ©2020 Jessica Zimmerman (P)2020 Jessica Zimmerman

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