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Couverture de Slaine: The Horned God

Slaine: The Horned God

De : Pat Mills
Lu par : Gerry O'Brien, Colin Morgan, Ayoola Smart, Stephen Hogan, Fiona Glascott, Gemma Whelan
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    For too long the people of Tír na nÓg have suffered under the dominion of the drunes; strange druids who have poisoned the land with their magic. Sláine has had enough of their tyranny and, through the Earth Goddess, he learns some shocking truths about the priesthood and his own future. 

    Now Sláine must unite the four kings of Tír na nÓg and use their mystical weapons as he and the Sessair tribe prepare for all-out war!

    Featuring Colin Morgan, Gerry O'Brien, Ayoola Smart, Gemma Whelan, Stephen Hogan and a full cast, fans of Sláine and newcomers to the famed barbarian's world will be transported to a world of Celtic mythology and fantasy for an immersive listening experience like no other.

    ©1986 Rebellion 2000 AD Ltd (P)2021 Penguin Audio and Rebellion Publishing


    "Indispensable for all Sláine fans" (Life of Die)

    "Colin Morgan is brilliant as the brutal yet cunning Slaine, but it's Gerry O'Brien who steals the show as Ukko the Dwarf.... This epic audio hits the spot." (Starburst Magazine)

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