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Couverture de Sky Song

Sky Song

De : Abi Elphinstone
Lu par : Nicky Diss
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    A cursed girl and a young inventor join forces to search for an ancient, forgotten song with the power to bring down a wicked Queen in this epic fantasy adventure perfect for fans of The Girl Who Drank the Moon and Furthermore.

    The snowy kingdom of Erkenwald was once a magical place — until an evil ice witch cursed the land and began stealing the voices of the kingdom’s people to strengthen her powers.

    Eska is one of the many prisoners of the Ice Queen. With no memories of her past, Eska only knows that she cannot allow the Ice Queen to take her voice, that it might be special in some way....

    When young inventor Flint sneaks into the Ice Queen’s palace in an attempt to rescue his mother, he ends up rescuing Eska instead. Together, Flint and Eska must journey to the Never Cliffs and beyond in search of an ancient, long-forgotten song with the power to end the Ice Queen’s reign and return voice back to the people of Erkenwald.

    This is the story of an eagle huntress, a boy inventor, and a wicked queen in a castle made from ice. But it’s also a story about finding a place to belong, even at the farthest reaches of the world.

    ©2018 Abi Elphinstone. Originally published in Great Britain in 2018 by Simon & Schuster UK Ltd. All rights reserved. (P)2018 Simon & Schuster UK. All rights reserved.
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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