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  • Skin Picking Affirmations Workbook

  • Excoriation Recovery Using the Power of Affirmations, EFT and Journaling
  • De : Jennifer Charles
  • Lu par : Ondine Morgan-Garner
  • Durée : 6 h et 18 min

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Skin Picking Affirmations Workbook

De : Jennifer Charles
Lu par : Ondine Morgan-Garner
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    This empowering workbook offers a holistic approach to healing, combining affirmations and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to help you overcome the emotional distress of Compulsive Skin Picking Disorder. With soothing narration and guided exercises, you'll learn to recognize triggers, manage urges, and cultivate inner strength and resilience.

    Whether you're struggling with Excoriation or seeking to support someone on their journey, this workbook provides invaluable tools and insights to reclaim control and find peace within. Take the first step towards healing today with the "Skin Picking Affirmations Workbook: Excoriation Recovery Using the Power of Affirmations, EFT and Journaling".

    Journaling about affirmations and EFT tapping can help with self-harming disorders. Writing down positive statements and what happens during EFT sessions makes these methods more effective. It helps you pay more attention to what triggers your self-harming and see how much you've improved along the way. This way, you get more out of affirmations and EFT, helping you manage the urge to self-harm and supporting your journey to feeling better. Plus, looking back on your journal can show you how far you've come during times when you feel depressed at a perceived lack of progress.

    Included is a downloadable EFT tapping chart to help you with the exercises. Unlock the power of EFT with your free chart, helping you visualize and apply tapping techniques effectively. Use your journal to document insights, progress, and breakthroughs, making this journey uniquely yours. Start listening today and step into a life of freedom, balance, and empowerment, leaving your Skin Picking behind you, forever.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2024 Jennifer Charles (P)2024 Jennifer Charles

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