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Couverture de Skandar and the Skeleton Curse

Skandar and the Skeleton Curse

De : A.F. Steadman
Lu par : David Dawson
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    The epic adventure continues.

    Don’t miss the unputdownable new book in number 1 bestselling SKANDAR series, for readers ages 9 to 99 and fans of Harry Potter, Percy Jackson,
    Eragon and Impossible Creatures. *PRE-ORDER NOW!*
    Skandar and the Unicorn Thief was WATERSTONES CHILDREN'S BOOK OF THE YEAR 2022 and WINNER OF THE INDIE BOOK AWARDS 2023!

    Skandar and the Phantom Rider was one of THE SUNDAY TIMES BEST BOOKS FOR CHILDREN 2023.

    As Skandar and his friends begin their fourth year at the Eyrie, the Island’s unicorns are struck by a terrible curse that threatens to change everything. Between a Commodore determined to eliminate the spirit element for good, and a sister hellbent on revenge, nowhere is safe for Skandar.

    As more and more unicorns are affected by the curse, the clock is ticking for Skandar and his quartet, who find themselves literally racing for their lives. Can they stop the curse in its tracks before the Island is lost for ever?

    Get ready for unlikely heroes, elemental magic, sky battles, ancient secrets and ferocious unicorns in this highly anticipated adventure that will keep you reading after lights out!

    ©2024 A.F. Steadman (P)2024 Simon & Schuster UK
    • Série : Skandar, Volume 4
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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